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Routine Chicken Coop Maintenance Tips

Lucerne Farms

Routine Chicken Coop Maintenance Tips
You love your chickens, and you want to keep them happy and safe so they’ll give you the best egg harvests possible. In order to do that, you must keep their home clean. Healthy chicken coops result from regular maintenance, so for this post, we’ve got a few routine chicken coop maintenance tips to keep your feathered babies producing healthily.

Keep a Daily Checklist

  • Check the Vibe: Knowing your flock and the different personalities within it will help you spot strange behavior, which might indicate health issues. Knowing some of the more common chicken ailments that can happen will allow you to know what to look for and when to call a vet. Yes, this includes looking at your chickens’ poop! With almost any animal, you can often first identify health problems in their feces. You should carefully watch for and document any abnormality.
  • Keep It Clean: Make sure to clean out water containers daily, keeping them free from feces, dirt, and bedding that can cause bacteria growth and put your flock’s health at risk. Cleaning out food containers daily might be a bit tricky if you have a large feeder that lasts several days, but it’s good to empty out the remaining bits of food to ensure the feeder is clean and free of debris.
  • Watch for Problems: Problems with the chicken coop itself, such as mold or structural issues, is another area that can lead to health problems. Look in corners where water could build up or in areas you may not otherwise check often. Look for holes in the wall, floor, and ceiling. Make sure all the areas where the chickens roost are safe. Keep an eye out for any screws, nails, or loose wood. Walk the perimeter of the run to ensure all fencing is fully intact and not at risk of being broken down by either your chickens or predators.

Keep Bedding Clean and Dry

Let’s face it—everyone has a different idea of how to handle their flock’s coop and the cleaning that goes with it. Some prescribe to the deep litter method, only changing the bedding once or twice a year. Some spot-clean daily and change the bedding weekly. Regardless of how you manage your coop, it’s important to ensure that your coop stays dry and that the ammonia from your flock’s droppings doesn’t build up. Koop Clean chicken coop bedding is ideal for keeping the coop dry and eliminating ammonia, regardless of which cleaning method you use. It’s easy to clean out, and it takes your routine chicken coop maintenance to the next level, allowing for direct application to the garden because of its unique blend. Read more about adding your used bedding to the garden here.

Schedule Deep-Cleaning Days

No matter how neat you keep your chicken coop, deep-cleaning days are a must. Take a full day to clean out all the bedding, scrape old droppings off roosts and other surfaces, and sweep and scrub the coop. Chickens are dusty, and cleaning off the layer of dust that accumulates around the coop ensures healthier respiratory tracts. Take extra time to clean waterers and feeders. Your chickens will thank you!

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