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Barn Cleaning Tips Every Equestrian Should Know

Lucerne Farms


The birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. But does your barn still feel like it has the winter blues? If your barn is in need of an overhaul, but you’d rather spend time in the saddle; you have come to the right place. Here are six handy barn cleaning tips every equestrian should know.

Clear the Clutter

When it comes to spring cleaning one of the highest impact jobs is taming the excess supplies that have accumulated over the winter. Take a look at any broken tack and either repair it or get rid of it. Sort through the tack room, removing any empty containers or expired products. If you find the tack that you no longer have a use for, consider bringing it to a tack sale or donating it to your favorite equine charity.

Deep Clean the Stalls

Now it’s time for a more comprehensive barn clean-up—deep cleaning the stalls! Strip away all of the bedding in the stalls and look them over carefully. Start from the floor and work your way up; checking for uneven floors, rotting boards, and protruding nails. Consider scrubbing down the stall walls to remove any manure that has accumulated over the winter months. A healthy layer of fresh bedding completes the process.


This step for cleaning a barn is probably the simplest. Remove the heavy blankets from your horses’ stall doors (or wherever you keep them), and have them professionally cleaned and repaired before you pack them away for the summer months.

Feed Clean-up

Chances are your hay supply is getting low; don’t panic! Use this time as an opportunity to sweep up the excess hay and dust that has accumulated in your hayloft or hay shed. While you’re at it, check for wet spots on the floor, which could indicate a leak in the roof. Then, restock the barn with a supply of high fiber hay for horses, stacked neatly on pallets to avoid spoilage. Hay and other forage products should never be stored on concrete or dirt because the excess moisture on these surfaces will cause the hay to mold.

Cobweb Removal

To ensure a totally clean barn, you must pay special attention to the smallest of details. Cobwebs tend to sneak up on you! When the horses are turned out, take a broom or feather duster and remove the sneaky spiders and their webs from the ceilings and walls of your stalls, tack room, and barn aisle.

Wash the Windows

Cleaning the windows in your barn truly only takes a few minutes, and it makes a big impact. Grab a bottle of glass cleaner and use old newspapers to clean the windows inside and out. Clean windows allow more light into the barn, making for a cheery environment.

Barn maintenance doesn’t need to be a big ordeal. Whether you tackle all of your spring cleaning in one day or chip away it each time you visit the barn to see your beloved horse, use these six handy barn cleaning tips every equestrian should know.

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