Blog Posts

What’s Your Soil pH?

What’s Your Soil pH?

Fall Is the Perfect Time For Soil Testing   So much goes in to having a successful garden that when flowers and vegetables are less than stellar it can be crushing. Growth takes sun, water and soil, so a tough growing year means its time to scrutinize each leg of...

Research on Equine Pain

Research on Equine Pain

Ongoing Studies Help Vets & Owners Listen to Their Horses “He is a very sweet horse,” said Erin Smith about her horse Guthrie in a Lucerne Farms Blog post  about spinal manipulation. “but I can always tell when he is hurting.” Smith said Guthrie would drool when...

Keep A Cool Coop This Summer

Keep A Cool Coop This Summer

Top High Temp Tips for Your Chickens   Here in the Northeast, chicken owners devote more of their time keeping the coop warm in extreme temps than keeping it cool. But July and August heat waves can mean putting cool coop management skills to work. Heat affects...

Top Tips for Helping Your Horse Beat the Heat

Top Tips for Helping Your Horse Beat the Heat

For horses, summer brings a welcome change of pace. Perhaps it means extra time outside the stall, more physical activity, or for some, travel. It also means high heat and extended time in the sun. It’s important our horses remain comfortable and healthy when the...

Mid-Summer Mulching

Mid-Summer Mulching

Get Gardening Maintenance on the Calendar The fireworks have felled their giant canopies and silenced, and no matter your planting zone, we are all deep into the sweet pulpy center of summer. We see you – gardening gloves off, kicking back with an everything-burger,...

Garden Gold: Chicken Bedding A Natural for Mulch

Garden Gold: Chicken Bedding A Natural for Mulch

Cleaning the coop means getting up close and personal with coop waste. But when your bedding does double duty as nutrient-rich garden mulch, it makes the process a little more tolerable. Making your waste work for you means participating in an earth-friendly cycle...

Max-Out Your Mulch

Max-Out Your Mulch

Get the Most Out of Your Ground Cover With These Bonus Applications   Gardeners have a love affair with mulch. Of all the growing supplies we consider necessities, mulch tops the list. We love it for its weed protection, erosion prevention, and moisture...

Summer in the Stall?

Summer in the Stall?

For Some Horses, Seasonal Allergens and Respiratory Illness Make Out-of-Doors Intolerable Horse owners who live in the North know that winter is long and brings more time in the stable. But for horses that suffer from allergies to insects, midges, or...

Smelly Chicken Coop?

Smelly Chicken Coop?

The Straight Poop on Odor Control   If the noxious fragrance of your morning egg collection provides a jolt that negates the need for morning coffee, you’re contending with a less-than-fresh coop. Coop smell is an issue most chicken owners tackle at one time or...