Feed Complement

Fiber Supplement

Hay Replacement

Fiber Supplement for Horses
Adding 4–6 lbs. of Lucerne Farms’ forage to your feeding program can ensure your horse is getting the proper amount of fiber in a form that is beneficial to their physical and mental health. Learn more about the importance of fiber supplements for horses and why Lucerne Farms’ high-fiber horse feed is the ideal solution for feeding your animals.
What You Should Know
Adequate Forage
Did you know horses evolved eating only long-stemmed fiber? Because of this, horses require 2-2.5% of their body weight in forage a day to help ensure adequate digestion. And it’s not just the type of feed that’s important but the form in which it comes.
Why is this important? Due to marketing, the vital role that long-stemmed forage plays in your horse’s diet has been overshadowed by the messages of how important alternative feeds are, leading to an increase in medical issues seen in horses.
How does Lucerne Forage help? Supplementing Lucerne Farms forage into your regular feeding program, either during mealtimes or as small meals throughout the day, ensures your horse is getting the adequate amount of forage in the form that Mother Nature intended. This horse fiber supplement reduces the chance of digestive problems and decreases dental issues.
Grazing Simulation
Did you know a horse in the wild will spend up to 18 or more hours a day grazing? Due to changes in how horses are kept, not all horses have access to sufficient pasture and grazing time, and many spend a large portion of their time in stalls.
Why is this important? The longer a horse goes without food in their stomach, the more likely their chances are of developing ulcers and other unwanted behaviors that ease the pain of an empty stomach.
How does Lucerne Forage help? Because horses chew forage up to four times longer than grain, mixing Lucerne Farms forage in with grains and supplements will slow your horse down. This increases the amount of time your horse has food in front of them during the day and reduces the amount of time your horse spends hungry. This means happier horses, as well as fewer unwanted behaviors and vet visits.
Fewer Dental Issues
Did you know that horses change the way they chew depending on the form of their feed? There are a lot of movements involved in a horse’s chewing, and these movements change depending on what they are eating.
Why is this important? When horses are chewing grain, for example, the sweep of their jaw is shortened and doesn’t fully grind the outside of their teeth, which can lead to uneven tooth wear and dental issues.
How does Lucerne Farms help? Horses chewing forage have a more extended chew, which is why pasture-fed horses have fewer dental problems. Because of the length of our chopped forage, horses chew with a more natural sweep of their jaw, helping to keep teeth more even.
Do You Weigh Your Hay?
Always calculate your horse’s feed by weight, not volume.
Lucerne Farms’ forage can be fed in a bucket, in a corner feeder mixed with the daily grain ration, or even outside in a feed tub.
When feeding Lucerne Farms’ forage feeds, you determine the proper amount according to the horse’s age, weight, temperament, and workload.
Always make changes to your horse’s diet gradually over a period of 7 to 10 days. Consult a veterinarian or equine nutritionist concerning your horse’s specific needs.